The lovely band and strings teacher at the elementary school has agreed to take the pipsqueak into orchestra one year early. Now he has extra music too.
What does this mean? Almost two hours of practicing kids almost every day. Wow!
Interesting Election Results
Or maybe not. Lots of talk about the three main contests yesterday, two of which were won by Republicans. Is this a sign of what mid-term elections have in store for us next year? I am not a political pundit (I play one on the internet). Here's what I think though. Poor Creigh Deeds just lacked any pizzazz. He reminded me a little of John Mc Cain. I doubted his sincerity. I doubted that he really wanted to win. As for Jon Corzine, his state has some of the highest taxes in the nation and he ran an expensive campaign, funded by the fortune he earned at Goldman Sachs. Perhaps he needed to go, even if he was a Democrat.
In Upstate NY, the first Democrat in something like 100 years was elected. That's weird. The Republican candidate dropped out the race a few days ago. Some really conservative was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Was that the kiss of death for him?
Must make dinner and go to the PTA meeting. I sense you are insane with jealousy. Try to restrain yourself. But before I go, I pose this question: Is there such a thing as too much NPR?
Enjoy your evening.