I join many, many other bloggers today with my views on the Obama Girl video. First, the tune, "I've got a crush on Obama," has now replaced all the vacation bible school songs in my head, so I'm a little thankful for that. Second, I thought it was hilarious!
Living in the DC metro area, you can't help but get wrapped up in the political scene. The Washington Post has a wide range of reporting on National politics, including lists of what Congressional committees are meeting each day, as well as who is dining where, and with whom. Of course, I heard reports on the video several weeks ago but I didn't watch it until last night and now I have to wonder what impact this video will have on the Presidential campaign. I can't find any comments from the Obama campaign on the video, but the reports are that it's so wildly popular that Youtube crashed when the video was first posted. As of this morning, over 2.7 million people have viewed the video.
Back in the 90's, a former pro wrestler named Jesse Ventura ran for governor of Minnesota and won. I lived in Minnesota at the time, and many people I knew who hadn't voted in an election ever before were fully behind Ventura. To them, he represented something new and different. They didn't care that his political experience was limited. His campaign slogan was "Don't Vote for Politics as Usual." He galvanized the disenfranchised and won the election, beating out Norm Coleman (now a US Senator.) He was only in office for one term and his main accomplishment was the light rail system that runs from the airport corridor to downtown Minneapolis.
I believe that Obama has the ability to appeal to people the same was Ventura did. He's a freshman senator so he isn't entrenched in the political machine the way his opponents are. He seems able to stand by his words, not back-peddling when he makes controversial statements (see MSNBC's First Read from yesterday for more on his remarks in the debate Monday. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/07/25/290301.aspx). I think if Obama keeps his message simple and takes up the Bill Clinton strategy of getting out to America and touching some hands he can win. He will appeal to the young voters, he will appeal to minorities and he will appeal to the impoverished. Obama Girl has spoken. I think people are listening and Barack Obama has a real chance to win the presidential election. Keep in mind, the queen of middle America has thrown her support behind Obama (that would be Oprah, in case you're that out of touch with pop culture). If Oprah can sell her audience on Obama, there's no way for him to lose.
Off to check on the sleeping child and get ready for VBS. Until we meet again, gentle readers...
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