Feeling a little guilty about my comments re: Maya Lin exhibit. Really. Who am I? I can't say I enjoy fine art. I like looking at a pretty picture, or sculpture or piece of china, but my tastes are pretty basic. I like pretty things. I'm not sure I truly appreciate all that it takes to make a magnificent piece of art like the landscapes of Maya Lin. I am a shallow, shallow women. Forgive me Maya. You are great and I am a schlub.
I'm trying my hand at a new pasta recipe. I decided my cooking lacked flavor so I'm onto a sauce/marinade phase. Sauces and marinades are very Recessionista (not my term). If you marinate your meat in a lovely concoction of oil, vinegar and a variety of spices, it helps tenderize it. You can buy cheaper meats and save cash. I tried this over the weekend with some beef. We usually head for the new york strips (At COSTCO. Don't get all uppity.) But this time we got "beef loin flap meat." ??? I marinated it in a marinade with red wine, oil, vinegar, worcestshire, etc. It was fantastic! The true test of the success of my endeavor was my husband saying to make sure their was some left for his lunch today.
Tonight's creation is lemon herb chicken with a lemon cream pasta sauce. I sauted garlic in melted butter, added a cup of cream and a cup of broth with some herbs. My choice was some Italian herbs but I wish I had used the lemon grass. I let that simmer until it was reduced by half, added some lemon juice and lemon rind and let it sit on very low heat until the pasta was cooked. I will serve the chicken on top of the pasta very soon. It smells pretty good. We'll see what the masses say.
Enjoy (the rest of) your day!
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