Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Midway Point

Summer is about half over. We've been doing okay with my lofty summer goals. I haven't quite made it to the gym 4 times a week. Only one wall in the bedroom is painted. The boys have been doing some reading and math, but my ten year old hasn't been writing as much as I would like. We've gotten lots of exercise at the pool. They've spent a ton of time with their friends, as have I. This was my first summer at home with my kids after leaving the workforce. I was extremely tense about how we would all do together. The only organized activities they have will be vacation Bible School and an art class for the oldest. I think we've done pretty well. I've learned a lot about the boys and what they need from me. My oldest needs time to himself, at least an hour a day. It's my job to keep the annoying little brother away. My youngest needs time with me alone. He needs me to swim with him, or read to him, or play cars with him, or take him on errands without his annoying older brother. We've survived on even less money than during the school year, since I don't even have my meager bakery salary. It's been a good summer. Now if we can just get my husband to commit to taking some vacation, it might even be a perfect summer.
But the school supply list looms in front of me on the refrigerator door. Reality is around the corner with homework battles, auditions, unending requests for money, PTA responsibilities, etc, etc, etc... This year, my youngest child goes to Kindergarten and my oldest is in 5th grade. It's the only year they will be in school together. I look forward to seeing them walk up the path together, possibly hand in hand, backpacks bouncing, milk money jingling. It's going to be an adorable school year.
I handed "Summer at Tiffany" to a friend at the pool yesterday. She was pretty excited about it. It's a cute book with it's Tiffany blue cover. It invites you in and then holds you captive. I think I finished it in about 3 hours, not in one sitting, however. Back to "Charterhouse." It takes a little while to get used to the writing in books written in different centuries and in different languages. The first few sittings will be somewhat brutal until I can connect with a few characters.
Tonight is the big Harry Potter viewing. We still have to figure out what to bring and somehow come up with a Dementor costume. I have to hand it to my son for not wanting to go with Harry Potter, but he could have given more than one day to come up with a dementor costume. I have been informed that none of the party stores have any Harry Potter costumes at all right now. That seems pretty weak, considering in the span of a week, a movie and a book are coming out. I guess we'll be left scouring the mall for something. Pray for me.
Time to take the Vets donation outside for pickup and hunt down the small child. I think he's in my bed. Enjoy!

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