Thursday, July 19, 2007

Unauthorized Political Commentary

I know how you, my faithful readers, look forward to my weekly political commentary. Here it is, in little bite sized pieces.

1. President Bush doesn't want to authorize additional spending on SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) because Democrats propose expanding eligibility which the President fears will be harmful to private insurers. He also opposes the plan to pay for it by increasing excise taxes on cigarettes. Even Republicans support this program. So much for the branches of government working together.

2. The sleepover at the Capital was a bust. Democrats failed to secure enough votes. Debate will be suspended until after Labor Day, most likely. And it sounds like there were no games of Truth or Dare and no one produced a Ouija board. Very disappointing.

3. A steam pipe burst in New York yesterday, causing widespread panic as people feared the city was under siege by terrorists. One poor soul died of a heart attack and reports indicated there were some serious injuries. This as it is announced that DC and NY will receive the largest boosts in counter terrorism funds. Sounds like some infrastructure funds would be more appropriate.

4. North Korea finally shut down it's main nuclear reactor and four related facilities in exchange for fuel oil needed to run electrical generators. North Korea still needs to disable the reactor and turn over nuclear materials, but it's a start.

That's all for today! It's a lovely cloudy day, perfect for reading. I may take the kids to the pool now before the severe weather arrives so I can read later.

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