Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Behold! The Sacrifice!

I have not spent much time discussing my workouts. I began working out about 3 years ago. I had gone to the doctor with some back pain. He kindly sent me to a physical therapist. My back pain was due in part to two things. One was being grossly out of shape and the other was one hip being higher than the other. The physical therapist aligned my hips and showed me several exercises to strengthen my core so my hips would stay in place.

Truthfully, what my doctor was saying to me was that I was fat. In spite of his subtlety, I received the message loud and clear. I was a short woman, only 5'2, pushing forty and wearing tight size 12 clothes. Not a pretty sight. I hit the gym. I used the treadmill and the elliptical. I used the Nautilus equipment and quickly reduced my size. I have been going to the gym consistently ever since. I am now closing in on a size 6. For the first time in 5 years, I felt comfortable in a swimming suit this summer. I feel strong. I enjoy playing with my kids because I don't get tired anymore. I don't struggle to get up off the floor. Fitness is a great thing.

That is, until you overdo it. That's what I did last week. I was doing some oblique exercises. (Sides, for those of you who don't do gym talk). I used heavier weights than normal because the ones I wanted were being used. I felt very sore for a couple days but wasn't concerned. I consider this a sign of a successful workout. You avoid injury by not working the same muscle groups everyday, so I let my aching sides rest. Then, on Saturday we were at the pool. I was in the water with our 5 year old and decided to lift him up the same way we lift up the dog. (overhead, horizontal to the ground while yelling, "Behold! The sacrifice!" I heaved his 45 lb body out of the water and straight over my head 3 or 4 times. He delighted in my feat of strength. I delighted in it too, until Sunday night. I was writhing in pain. It was like a huge wrench was squeezing my side. Advil dulls some of the pain. Heat helps a little bit, too. I can feel the swelling. My clothes are uncomfortable. My skin is tender to the touch.

I've been pretty lucky that I have not hurt myself working out. I did fall off some wedge heels last spring and twisted my ankle, but I managed to find other things to do so I wasn't out of commission. I'll have to take the week off from the gym this week, though. Obliques connect to abs which get used for pretty much everything.

"Behold! The sacrifice!!" It's me.

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