Friday, August 24, 2007

One Day; Two Opinions

Monday is the first day of school for our kids. One will be in 5th grade and the other will be in Kindergarten. As is to be expected, our youngest is elated at the prospect of attending school. We went to the Open House today and he met his teacher, navigated his way through all the areas of the classroom, played with other kids, got hugged by some little girl and generally had a rocking good time.

I do not look forward to Monday. My baby is starting his departure from my nest. This is not really okay with me. I like having a little kid around who comes up and kisses my hand for no apparent reason. Now that he's the BMOC on the Kindergarten campus, I am left with a fluffy little dog who occasionally eats his own poo. Monday, I'll cry at my friend's house with at least one other woman who is sending her baby to Kindergarten and a bunch of other women who have done this all before. I'm sure I am not alone in my opinion of the first day of school, but somehow I feel like no one gets me right now.

Motherhood is brutal sometimes.

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