Monday, August 6, 2007

Reading Order

I'm sure someone would say the order in which you read the parts of your Sunday newspaper say something profound about you. Here is my reading order.

1. I read a feature called "Tell Me About It." It's an advice column that is in the Sunday Source section of the Washington Post. I enjoy the writer's cutting, to the point advice.

2. Next I read parts of the magazine section including Date Lab, Gene Weingarten's column, "Below the Beltway," and Jeanne Marie Laskas' column, "Significant Others." Date Lab can be very humorous, especially when the dates are disastrous. Gene Weingarten always makes me chuckle, and Jeanne (I can call her by her first name because I think if she knew me, we would be friends) always hits home to me in her column.

3. I switch to the Style section where I enjoy features like "Reliable Source" where I can read about who was where with whom. I also read "Ask Amy," another advice column. It's comforting to know that some people are so moved by their own lives they feel the need to write to a total stranger and seek guidance.

4. I move to news and read Metro so I can read how many people were slaughtered in DC and PG county overnight during the latest DC Metro Police "All Hands on Deck" initiative.

5. Finally, I get to the front page. By now, it's probably 10:00 pm and I am barely conscious. Probably better that way.

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