Wednesday, September 5, 2007

And in the News...

Good stuff in the news this morning. Senator Craig is thinking about rescinding his resignation. Mattel has recalled 800,000 more toys. A terrorist plot in Germany has been foiled and Halle Berry is pregnant.

I have to admit, I feel sorry for Senator Craig. He may not have been behaving in a very senatorial way, but he denied himself the right to stand up for himself and that made no sense to me. I'm glad he's hiring an attorney to look into reversing his plea and I'm also glad he's considering staying on in the Senate. I know nothing of this man's politics but I do know that he should have been more brave and stood up for himself. We only know snippets of what occurred in that restroom in June. I for one would rather this man had his day in court before judging him wrong.

Mattel, however is wrong. They have issued recalls for 800,000 more toys. This time it's more Barbies, some Fisher Price train toys and some bongo drums. Mattel apologizes for the inconvenience. I still think Bob Eckert should have to take all the calls from all the little boys and girls whose Mommies and Daddies took away their toys. Mattel has been fined more than $2 million dollars in recent years for failing to issue recalls quickly enough. There needs to be a Congressional investigation. (Note to self, contact Congressman Cummings.)

Another terror plot has been foiled. This appeared to be quite the non-issue in the press today. I think Senator Craig's story led off the news on Good Morning America. Do we not care about terrorism anymore or is it that most Americans recognize that all these terrorists who are being arrested are amateurs who lack the technical skills and the funding to be as big a threat as the September 11th hijackers? I don't know. But I'm not losing sleep over terrorism anymore.

And Halle Berry is pregnant. Now that's just nice. Welcome to the fold of motherhood, Halle. Your baby may not be here yet, but as you find yourself eating better for your baby, not putting a knife in the toaster to dig out your stuck English muffin, and not jay-walking, you will understand that motherhood started the moment you saw the positive result on your EPT test. There may be a question as to when life begins, but there is no question about the beginning of motherhood. I wish you well.

That's all from me today, gentle readers. Enjoy your day.

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