Friday, September 7, 2007

More Dog Neuroses

I'm getting used to dog ownership bit by bit. I accept that the instant I steam clean the rugs, the dog, who hasn't had an accident for weeks, is going to take this opportunity to pee on my clean rug. I accept that the kids are going to chase the dog around the house in circles in an attempt to tire him out. I accept the baby gates I've installed to keep him out of the living room and dining room. Yet I still have problems with the poo.

If you recall, a few months ago, I discussed in this space the many aspects of dog walking that I have trouble with. I didn't like using plastic bags everyday to pick up poo. I did find biodegradable bags at Target, so this worry is gone. I have yet to be chased away by a neighbor who didn't want my dog laying his waste in their yard. Yet, I still somewhat fear the neighbors. We live in a community of sidewalks. This means there is a lovely stretch of grass next to the street for the dog to doo in. So why does he insist on defiling the grass on the other side of the sidewalk? I have very pleasant neighbors so this fear of retaliation is really silly. Yet here I am, writing about it again.

Speaking of fear, I fear for some of the customers at our little bakery and the repercussions of their inconsiderate behavior. Yesterday, there was a really good one. Her missteps were constant. First she asked to taste a muffin before deciding if she could buy ONE. Her muffin purchase was a complete wash. It cost us the amount of money she spent on her muffin to make her pathetic sale. Then she was interested in the sandwich special. She wanted to taste the bread. She wanted to know how long we would have the special. She asked this question 3 different ways, as if she was trying to trick me into giving her the answer she wanted to hear. Finally, she relented and ordered the sandwich but not without one more stab at my patience. She had the nerve to ask me if it was going to take me long to make her sandwich. I gave her a deadpan stare for about 5 seconds and said no. (This was not intentional. I truly was horrified by this woman's gall.) Then I walked slowly back to the sandwich station and took longer than I have ever taken to slap chicken salad on a slice of bread. Don't mess with the bakery girls. It might get ugly.

Gentle readers, enjoy your day.

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