Monday, September 24, 2007

What's New?

Hello, my faithful readers. After an unscheduled break, I have returned to entertain and enlighten, depending upon your particular mood. Or annoy, I guess.

The children have adjusted to their little elementary school routines and we, the parents are learning the trials and tribulations of the new grades. I am adjusting to working, whether I like it or not. I was hoping to work fewer hours but that seems to be a fleeting dream. We are too short staffed for me to take too much extra time off. I am only getting to the gym once a week so I feel like a slug. I think once the emotional exhaustion of Kindergarten wears off, I will be able to drag one kid to the gym at least one evening.

I am noticing the beginning of some of the downsides of knowing your community, and being known, even a small amount in it. You get asked to do a lot of stuff. In one day at church, I was asked to help with World Communion Sunday, and help with the Christmas pageant, and perhaps, take over running it next year. Huh? All because I taught Vacation Bible School for a few days? Is there a place to reclaim my anonymity?

I also, with the help of a very rational man, came out as the voice of reason in the pellet gun incident. Many people were very angry, looking for the principal's head on a platter. I was angry, but I have tried myself and encouraged others to channel their anger into something constructive. I contacted the School Board and offered to help with the Civility Project as it is developed for the elementary schools, and have asked others to do the same. The past is behind us, but should never be ignored. We must learn from it so we can be better, and more responsible parents.

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