Friday, September 14, 2007

This Can't Be Happening

I made many sandwiches today for the masses and I was very tired when I went to get the kids at school, plus I had to pee very badly. I wanted to simply go home and sit for the first time in almost 7 hours but this relaxation was not meant to be. Here are some of the lovely events of my late afternoon.

1. My friend called to tell me that her daughter had a major fit over getting rid of toys she hasn't played with for years. The fit occurred after this poor child told her mother that no one at school was nice anymore.

2. My neighbor told me that a kid in his class who he plays soccer with is being mean to him and threatened to beat him up in the bathroom. Obviously this isn't going to happen, but it's still scary to a ten year old.

3. My five year old went to the health room for the second time in exactly a week because he scraped his knee at recess. I think he's going to be in the health room once a week for the next six years. He now has to say goodbye to the school nurse everyday.

4. Cello lessons were painful. Children were scolded by teachers in my own living room.

5. My ten year old told me that the bully in point #2 above told him to go to some website so he could see nude pictures of Vanessa Hudgens. Isn't it great when ten year olds tell each other how to access porn on the computer?

6. I made tilapia for dinner but there were only 3 pieces and there's none left for me and my husband to eat so I have to think of something else to make. I'm thinking cereal or PB&J sounds quite lovely right about now.

7. It's raining which can double travel time between my husband's office and home. It's almost 8:00 and he probably won't be home until close to 8:30.

I'm opening some wine now. I have to find a way to relax because for some stupid reason I invited my brother and his girlfriend over for dinner tomorrow for his birthday. My house is a huge mess and I will need a lot of energy to get my family behind a cleaning blitz in the morning.

Good Night!

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