Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gardening Update

We have sprouts!! On Friday morning, I checked the vegetable garden and found that the radishes and lettuce were beginning to sprout. What a thrill! Now all I have to do is keep the rabbits, squirrels and deer away until the plants grow big enough to pick.

The grass is growing too. We've had a lot of rain in the past week so I haven't had to water which is good because I'm not sure when I would have gotten that done. The Pennington seed won't truly be put to the test until July, though. Stay tuned for more updates.

The tomatoes are not doing so well. I think I got my start too late and they weren't really big enough to go outside. I'll have to go buy plants at the garden center. Oh well.

I read an interesting article yesterday about businesses that are thriving right now. Burpee Seeds has seen a 30% increase in sales this year. Hormel Foods reports sales of Spam and their chili products are up. Kraft says that Mac and Cheese sales are increasing too. This is great! It's too bad that the tanking economy is what drove people back into their kitchens and yards, but how wonderful for our kids to be able to experience dinner as a family the way we did when we were young.

Speaking of dinner, we had my fabulous soy ginger turkey burgers last night with some delightful cucumber salad. I mixed ground turkey with Trader Joe's Island Soyaki sauce, and bread crumbs. If I had some cilantro, I would have thrown some in, too. The cucumbers were made with plain Greek yogurt, onion, garlic and a little salt and pepper. Probably too much onion, but at least two of us enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to trying some light and flavorful summer recipes.

That's all for now. Enjoy your day!

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