Thursday, May 21, 2009

With Apologies to A.A Milne

Last night, our little dog had a stroke of courage and ran up the stairs. In two years, he has not attempted this feat without one of his youthful owners standing behind him. All I can think is that the thought of being away from his two precious little boys gave him the adrenaline rush he needed to make the journey. But on his last attempt, he gave up. He stopped about midway up the staircase which caused me to remember a poem by A. A. Milne.

Halfway Down

Halfway down the stairs
is a stair
where i sit.
there isn't any
other stair
quite like
i'm not at the bottom,
i'm not at the top;
so this is the stair
where I always stop.

Halfway up the stairs
Isn't up
And it isn't down.
It isn't in the nursery,
It isn't in town.
And all sorts of funny thoughts
Run round my head.
It isn't really
It's somewhere else

(If you own the copyright to this poem and would like it removed, please let me know.)

Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

Laura said...

How many poems do we have floating around our heads from 'When We were Very Young' and 'Now we are Six'. Do you read them to the boys?