Monday, July 30, 2007

More Cooking Secrets

It rained on and off all day yesterday and I was in the mood for some comfort food so I made a nice big lasagna for dinner. I prefer to use the lasagna noodles that don't require cooking. They're thinner and leave you with a dish that isn't so starchy. You can really taste the herbs in the sauce and the savory flavor of the sausage. Since we don't tend to eat a lot of heavy food, I use part skim ricotta. I did use bottled sauce. This was necessary since I decided to prepare the dish at about 2:00 pm which wouldn't have given me time to make a decent sauce. And I don't do tomato sauce. If you've never made lasagna it's about the simplest dish you can make and you can make it for meat lovers or vegetarians alike. Layer noodles, a cheese mix made with one egg, ricotta and mozzarella, sauce containing your choice of meat or vegetables. Meat and vegetables can be added separately after the sauce, too. Finish with a layer of noodles topped with sauce and Parmesan cheese. Bake according to the directions on the box of noodles.

As you can see, it wasn't something that would have won a culinary award for presentation but I know it was good. Both boys had seconds, including the 5 year old who lives on air. And not a single request for more food at 8:00. And the wee one asked for some for breakfast. It's moments like that that make me feel I've succeeded as a parent.

In other news around the house, the dog is growing and becoming more civilized. He goes to the door when he wants to go outside. Unfortunately, he doesn't always make a noise so if I'm not around to see him, he gives up and goes in the house. He still sees the 5 year old as another puppy so we have to watch them. The dog gets very excited and starts growling and biting.

We got some rain yesterday, thank goodness. Everything is brown and crunchy looking. The only upside is that the lawn hasn't needed to be mowed for at least a month. I think the sun has been good for the tomato plants because we have lots of tiny green tomatoes. But they're still green. I have no idea how much longer I have to wait for them to ripen. I guess it would help if I remembered what kind of tomatoes I had planted.

An ordinary day lies ahead of us. We'll go to the gym. I'll force children to do math worksheets and read. I'll try to get one to nap and eat (not at the same time). And we might even get to the pool. Until tomorrow...

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