Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Paper or Pottery?

I've found myself running the dishwasher daily, as opposed to every other day during the majority of the year. This leaves me wondering if I should switch to paper for the summer. Paper is recyclable, no detergents polluting the Cheasapeake Bay, energy use is cut saving us some money. But paper plates have to be manufactured and transported to stores, are expensive, and we are inconsistent in recycling. I've been trying to reduce my use of the dryer by using drying racks on the patio. I spent $30 on two racks. It takes up to 2 and a half hours to dry a load of clothes vs. 40 minutes in my dryer. I had to save one load from rain last week. I want to be more green. I want to do my part to protect the environment. But realistically, I was raised in the age of convenience and old habits die hard. I wonder if I washed the dishes by hand and then used the dishwasher as a drying rack, if that would be better for the environment. I'm sure there's a website out there that will answer that question.

Now for my politics of the week. Scooter Libby's jail time was eliminated yesterday. His sentence was commuted to probation by President Bush. This is unfair and clearly a political act, but anyone who's surprised is a moron. Wait until January 2009 when Bush is getting ready to pack up the White House and he gives Libby a pardon. The full cycle of injustice will be complete. I liked what Dick Durbin (D-IL) said, "Even Paris Hilton had to go to jail." Maybe the president will pardon her, too!

The dog goes to the vet this morning for another puppy check up. I think he gets shots. He's quite the wild animal these days. He attacks his little toys and his little boys. He has been dragging shoes across the house, some as big as he is. He loves being outside and will RUN home after I tell him we're going there. The best thing is, he went to the door 3 times yesterday to let us know he wanted to go outside. He has had a couple jail breaks from his kennel. He broke out on Sunday while we were downtown but we didn't see any signs of an accident. I hope this good fortune continues.

We're off to the local picking farm to get berries after we return from the vet. I have no idea what they have. I'm hoping for raspberries. If they have some, I'm going to make scones for breakfast tomorrow. Maybe I'll get raspberries and blueberries and make red, white and blue scones. In a few more weeks, we'll have tomatoes here. It looks like there's quite an abundant crop in my two planters on the patio.

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