Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sleepless Nights and Irrational Days

Did you ever had a dream that really got to you? I had one last night and it has left me very grumpy all day. I dreamed that my husband left me. He just up and left with no explanation. This has made me mad at him all day and what makes it worse is that he isn't even home to defend his dream behavior. He's out of town until tomorrow night. Because he isn't here to tell me that it was just a dream, he loves me and would never leave me, I'm being silly, etc, etc, I have been bitter all day. Therefore, in an effort to get all this bad karma out of my system, I am going to dedicate this blog post to complaining about my husband, saying all the things that I wish I could say to him but I can't because everything is a part of who he is and I've known about all of it for 13 years.

1. He leaves ties everywhere. There's one in front of me right now on the computer desk. There are 4 on a cabinet in the living room. I just put away 15 that were sitting on top of his dresser. We spent a good 3 hours a couple months ago organizing his ties so that it would be easier for him to find something to wear in the morning (and find less of a need to wake me for help). The system didn't hold and I'm still being awakened at 5:00 for tie advice. I hate ties.

2. Pocket emptying. He empties his pockets but never throws the crap away. This also applies to the little paper tabs on his shirts from the cleaners. He will throw everything on top of his dresser and never sort it out. There are metro tickets, receipts, little notes he's written for himself, phone messages from work, movie tickets, programs from school events. All up there for months on end until he gets around to dealing with them. There are times that they are falling off the dresser and he will pick them up and put them back on top, NOT THROW THEM AWAY!!! How is this possible?

3. Car care products are multiplying in my laundry room. I have moved them to the shed only to have them get moved back to the laundry room. Evidently, the shed is too hot and humid and the waxes, etc will go bad. As if I care. I really wish they would go bad so I could throw them away. We have a lovely storage room in the basement with shelves and everything and I've been assured they will be put away down there. Of course they will. By me. I think the drive- through car wash at the gas station does a fine job washing and waxing the car. I see no need to have all this car stuff. Unbelievable! I just noticed there are two car polishing clothes on top of the computer desk!

4. Shoes. He owns every kind of shoe known to man and none of them ever get put away. Shocking, I know. This applies to clothing, as well. My family is coming to visit and he has clothes on the bed in the extra bedroom. I put everything else of his in there away. I asked him last week to put his clothes away. Still there.

5. Damp, dirty towels are never hung up to dry. They're heaped on the floor where they stay wet and get smelly.

Okay. I think I'm better now. I could probably go on, but I don't think I would feel better doing that. This seems like one of those exercises that is better if limited. There's a fine line between venting and getting things off your chest and building up animosity. My husband is a wonderful man. I know my dream was utterly ridiculous. Tonight will be a better night. And I do have to wonder, what would he say about me????

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